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The people I love:



My name is Maria Rich. Here are some of the basic things that you, the intrigued reader, should know about me:

Image by Clifford

Top 5 Clifton Strengths

1. Input

2. Learner

3. Significance

4. Intellection

5. Futuristic

Hometown: North Royalton, Ohio


Major: Medical Sciences


Hobbies: Running, reading, binge watching TV series, writing, finding the best restaurants in Cincinnati


Fun Fact: I had some sort of orthodontic device in my mouth for the overwhelming majority of my adolescence! 


Favorite Graeter's flavor: Mocha chip


Hello! My name is Maria Rich, I am an undergraduate student under the University of Cincinnati's College of Medicine studying Medical Sciences. In addition to my Medical Sciences major, I am working toward earning a certificate in Bioethics, something that I've been extremely passionate about since I became interested in medicine. After my undergraduate career at UC, I plan on attending MD/PhD school to continue cultivating my love of science in the premise of both bench research and clinical treatment. In addition to my passion for science, I love reading all genres of literature, from Edgar Allan Poe collections to Walt Whitman's Leaves of Grass to fiction books like Harry Potter to nonfiction biographies. I love exploring the city with my friends and figuring out how to adult with them, all the while trying different kinds of food in the Cincinnati area.

By joining the University Honors Program, I'm extremely excited to explore inter-disciplinary collaboration that UHP provides. Working with people with different majors and backgrounds is so important in becoming a well-rounded, professional individual. It opens you up to different perspectives and viewpoints while educating you about parts of the world that you didn't know existed. Success does not come working by yourself; working with other people who bring new and different skillsets to the table is crucial to accomplishing goals. I also want to expand my experience in volunteering through UHP. Giving back is another passion of mine; I love making connections through service. By showing love through selfless action, I'm able to go about service from a different angle.

All in all, I'm excited to continue on my undergraduate journey through UHP and to add to my portfolio as I go along!

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